Garden Variety Part 7

This week has been so busy with the boys birthday, baptism and thanksgiving. The garden has been slightly neglected but still doing amazingly well. The Mustard Spinach is ready to eat but we haven’t had time to pick it just yet. But we will soon! Garden week 7 Garlic Shallots Broccoli Butternut squash new sprouts […]
Caramel Cake

This months Daring Baker’s Challenge was Caramel Cake and icing hosted by Delores , Alex, Jenny & Natalie enjoyed making this cake for two reasons, I have never made a caramel syrup, and secondly I would love to get better at making cakes. This cake has a unique flavor from the syrup and a denser […]
Baptism and Birthday Party!

Last Sunday was a big day for the babies they were baptized and also had their 1st birthday. Everything worked out amazingly well and we had such a good time, its still hard to believe my babies are 1 year old, but I am getting use to it. The day was super busy starting off […]
Thankful Thursday!

I have so much to be thankful for this week! Happy Thanksgiving everyone. I hope your enjoying your day. My boys 1st birthday The boys getting baptized Thanksgiving Excellent food I would love to hear your Thankful Thursday post, so please share. And remember to link back to my blog. Just click the Mr. Linky […]
Thanksgiving Special

I love Thanksgiving. Food, Family, Friends, Laughter, Stories, Memories, Thankfulness, Football, Wine…. NO gift giving. How much better can it get??????? Luckily I am not the only one, I rounded up some great post from various bloggers about their thanksgiving traditions, foods, decorations, etc. Please enjoy! And have a very Happy Thanksgiving. Homemaker Barbi- How […]
Old School Nintendo

A game made in 1986 still popular in 2008! Please share your photo’s of babies or whateva!!! I would love to see them! Just click Mr. Linky below and add your blog post. Check out more wordless posts here, here, here ,here , here, here and here
Broccoli and Cheese

One of my and my families all time favorite holiday side dishes is Broccoli and Cheese, very simple and it always flies off the platter. The cheese sauce is very creamy with a hint of onions and garlic which pairs perfectly with the broccoli. I swear even the kids will eat this broccoli and even […]
CVS week 11/23-11/29

ECB’s Buy 1 Maybelline Mineral Power Liquid Foundation at $8.99, Get $8.99 ECBs (Limit 1) Use $3/1 coupon from 10/26 RedPlum insert or $2/1 coupon from 9/21 RedPlum insert Free plus $2-3 overage after coupon and ECBs Buy 1 Complete Multi-Purpose Solution (12 oz.) at $8.99, Get $8.99 ECBs (Limit 1) Free after ECBs Buy […]
Wags week 11/23-11/29

A couple of really great deals this week at WAGS, finally Sure Deodorant–on sale $1.99 Use $1/1 coupon from 10/19 inserts Stack with $1.50/1 Walgreens coupon in December Easysaver catalog Free plus $0.51 in overage after coupons Excedrin–on sale B1G1 (2 for $4.49) Use 2 $2/1 Internet printable here $0.24 each after coupons Bounty Basic […]
"Not Me" Monday

Its Monday and so a NOT Me monday! Woof after a super busy weekend I am soooo “NOT” ready for some down time. I did not put my sleeping baby on a big stuffed dog and when he rolled over hit his head on the wood floor and started crying. Poor Baby. At the birthday […]