laughs and giggles

Little H & Little W are such happy babies and I have the perfect video to share of them having a tickling fest with DT. It’s so cute, I love their laughs and giggles, Little H is up first then Little W, also there is a brief shot of Ms. Cricket. Enjoy! SP [youtube=]
Enchiladas de Pollo y Queso

This recipe is the best chicken enchilada recipe I have found. I can’t remember were I got this recipe, I believe on the Internet somewhere if you know please let me know. It is soooooo good. The sauce has the perfect amount of spice and cheesiness. I used the Sticky Chicken recipe for the chicken […]
Walgreens week 9/28-10/4

There are some amazing deals at WAGS this week. Check it out! Taken from Word Help MQ: Manufacturers Coupon AD Q: Wags weekly flyer coupon ES Q: Wags monthly Easy Saver booklet ESMIR(#): Easysaver Mail IN Rebate RR: Register Reward oop: out of pocket Walgreens Sept 28- Oct 4 Register Reward Deals Always Infinity […]
Shopping Results

I didn’t make it to CVS this week, but I had a successful WAGS trip Here what went down. Trans1 3 Robitussin 4 oz. 2/10 = 15.00 1 Triaminic 4 oz 4.99 1 Comet Cleaner .59 =20.58 – 9.00 (3) Robitussin – 2.00 Triaminic (internet printable) – 1.00 Triaminic (wags coloring book) -5.00 Wags 5/20 […]
CVS Week 9/28-10/4

There are some pretty good deals this week @ CVS Taken from Buy 1 Contour Blood Glucose Monitor at $14.99, Get $5 ECBs (Limit 1) Use coupon for up to $30/1 from 3/16 SmartSource insert Free plus $5 overage after coupon and ECBs Buy 1 Covergirl Clean Make-up at $5.49, Get $5.49 ECBs (Limit […]
Menu Plan Monday

Our menu this week: Monday: Chicken Spaghetti (didn’t get around to this last week) Tuesday: Pork Chops, mixed veggies, mac & cheese Wednesday: leftovers Thursday: Thai Turkey Tacos (recipe to come) Friday: Pizza or takeout for more menu planning inspiration check out
Complain Free for 21 Days!

I recently heard about a very interesting concept; To go 21 days without complaining, doesn’t seem possible right? But what a great idea from Will Bowen founder of A Complaint Free World. I do complain, I must admit it, I know your thinking no she’s too perfect, she never complains (ha ha). But seriously It’s […]
Dr. McSwimmy on Grey's

What can I say I have a slight crush on Michael Phelps (shh don’t tell DT) and I love Grey’s Anatomy. Check out this clip! Dr. McSwimmy
Sticky Chicken in Crock Pot

Pin It This recipe is featured in my E-licious E-cookbook, stop by to see more details about the e-book and 45 yummy recipes. One of my favorite bargain friendly meals is to cook a whole chicken in the crock pot and then use that chicken meat for several different meals. You can usually buy a […]
$5 off $20 Purchase @ Walgreens

Check out this coupon for $5 off a $20 dollar purchase at WAGS good Friday 26th-Saturday 27th same day as the overlapping September and October Easy Saver Catalogs. This coupon would be good for buying next months Free after Rebate (FAR) items. I think there are only 3 for October. Here is the new October EasySaver […]