$25 CVS Gift Card Winner Announced!

I have tallied all 671 comments, and WOW I never thought I would have gotten this many! Thanks to everyone who commented. Hopefully I have gained some new readers! Anywho on to the winner. It’s Lori from http://www.tryingtosavealot.blogspot.com/ “Lori Says: August 19, 2008 at 10:08 pm e Thanks for the chance to win the card!” […]
Critique my blog, blog!

How cool is this, I found this really neat blog called Critique my blog. What it is, is a blog all that critiques other blogs. A blog author (me) submits an email to Bill asking for a critique and he blogs your critique on his blog. I emailed Bill for a critique expected it to be a few weeks […]
Shopping Trip Results

I just got back from Walgreens and had a really great run. I had just 2 small snags, they didn’t have the glad fabric freshener, so I bought 3 Gerber baby foods to get my total over $40 dollars and then the glade refills coupons did not match the 1 walgreens IVC. Here is my wags pic […]
Wordle Creations

I just found the neatest website called Wordle.net I had some much playing around with it. You can take your blog, poem, posts, books, anything with words and create a wordle. The word used most often are the largest, sometimes its obvious which words they will be some time not. There is a gallery […]
Walgreens $10/$40 Coupon Friday & Saturday

Walgreen’s has a 10 off a 40 purchase coupon good for Friday and Saturday only! Check it out here. Combine this Q with some of the Free After Rebate items and the double dip! Woo Hoo, I am excited, WAGS must love me! Here are the links to both August and September Easy Saver Online […]
Thankful Thursdays!

I believe very strongly in pointing out the things you are thankful for. I try my hardest to focus on the good things in life and not the negative so in hopes of doing this more often I am going to start a weekly post called Thankful Thursdays. Of course I am thankful for the […]
Babies playing

I love sharing pictures of the boys and they are having a blast exploring all the nooks and crannies of the house and new toys. Notice the dirty clothes pile and Little W is so fast I couldn’t catch him still in the pile. Playing in the laundry basket, then of course I pushed them […]
How well do you know your spouse?

1. They are watching TV. What are they watching? King of the Hill, Family Guy, or Ghost hunters 2. You’re out to eat. what kind of dressing do they get on their salad. French 3. What’s one food this person doesn’t like? olives, cream cheese (wierd I know, but I think I am slowly converting […]
The Simple Women's Daybook

Outside my Window…the sun is high in the sky and the dogs are sun bathing I am thinking…what’s for dinner, pork chops? From the living rooms…babies are playing I am thankful for…my lovely husband From the kitchen…many possibilities for a nutritious meal. I am wearing…floral print top and black slacks I am reading…Walgreen’s flyer, and […]
Coupons & Rebates

Do you want to participate in a bra study, check it out here answer a survey and they will send you two bras, and pay you $25! Home solutions News letter has tons of coupons Check it out here Seventh Generation Coupons– from diapers to cleaning products. Coffeemate New world Cafe collection check out coupons […]