Holiday Madness!

This holiday season, I am going to be productive and start early on christmas gifts, so mom and i went shopping. Did I buy one gift for anyone other than myself? No! All I did was buy Christmas decorations, ornaments, glass Christmas tree, etc. This is me and DT first married Christmas together, and I want it […]

Our newest battle is packing lunches. We both agree to save money to pack our lunch during the work week. But DT will not pack his lunch, he makes excuses and wants me to pack them for him. I did get him yesterday to pack his lunch, so I thought I was making some progress. […]

I have been busy reading and commenting on other peoples blog pages- though I have noticed a theme among many bloggers; whether it be motherhood, love for coffee, politics, etc. So my blog is not going to contain any of these things, unless of course I become a mother, lol. Today has been an insightful one for me, […]
First Post!

This is my first post and I want to introduce myself. My CB radio handle name is Sweet pea and my darling husband is Double Trouble and we have been married exactly 6 months and 7 days today. We currently own a home, and have two dogs Skeeter and Precious, two cats- Sable & Whitey, and two parakeets- Sonny & Cher. […]