It’s Hot! Really, Really, hot.
So much so that, my poor chickens, walk around with their beaks open and wings spread out, just hoping for a cool breeze.
That never comes.
So as a treat I cut the ends off of a watermelon and stuck them in the freezer for about an hour. Then I brought them out for the chickens to feast on and cool down a bit.
*Tail-feather taking the first bites.
Then Toe and Sally got some.
They were loving it, watermelon was splashing slurping and slinging everywhere.
*Penny is on the left
I sat right between the 2 watermelons ends, trying to get some great action shots.
When my next door neighbors, walk out their door and say Hi. Slightly embarrassed at my situation I wave back. I can only imagine, what they were thinking of me, siting in the grass, with 12 chickens surrounding me, and taking pictures…. Like who takes pictures of chickens eating watermelon? I guess they are use to me by now.
I really could watch them for hours they are just so funny and have such little personalities.
It’s so interesting how chickens behave with their pecking order and all. Tail feather is the lead Hen of all the chickens, while Penny is the lead Pullet of the younger chicks. Therefore the lead hen always eats first and determines who can share the food with her.
Here’s Tail feather trying out a bite from the younger pullets half who all left for the other watermelon. Back and forth they went. Because Tail feather never shares with the younger pullets.
Here are the three Easter eggers, Charlotte, Hadlee and Penny, with Buff Orpington Buffy.
Sally taking a bite, she doesn’t share well either.
Buffy stopping by for a visit, she is my lap chicken, she always jumps in my lap for a quick chin scratch.
As does Pumpkin, she a beauty, just love her color she is cold black with a hint of beetle green in the sun light.
Yes I love to spoil my chickens but only because they let me.

I’ve never spent much time with chickens. You made them sound really interesting.
I did not know that chickens ate watermelon.
Everyone says chickens are stupid, but any animal that has the ability to put a pecking order in place has to be smart. I think they’re beautiful and one day I would love to have my own!
Who knew they would love it so much?!?!
ha! I think it’s awesome that you were out taking pics of the chickens. And brilliant idea with the watermelon – I’m sure they loved it!
I had no idea chickens had personalities like that!
Your boys are adorable and I’m so happy to have you as one of my newest followers!
Your chickens are very lucky to get cold watermelon.
I love reading about your chickens! I didn’t know they liked watermelon!! Your chickens sound like real pets!
My brother raises chickens…I’ll have to see if he’s ever given them watermelon.
I think those are the most beautiful pictures of chickens I’ve ever seen! I love all their different colors and then the green grass and pink watermellow. I love the image of your neighbors witnessing these scene…that happens to me on a regular basis too with all the crazy projects we have going on!