It’s time to Meet the Newlyweds James and Danielle. Danielle blogs at Life on Dahlia Lane, She started her blog determined to live a greener life style with a modern twist. She has creative super cute decorating tutorials. Not to mention tons of delicious recipes and a new baby I mean puppy. Be sure to stop by and check it out. Now on to the interview.
Wedding date: November 6, 2009
Blog (s): Life on Dahlia Lane
How did you meet? Although we went to opposing high schools in the same mid-sized town and later attended the same college as Business majors, our paths had never crossed. We eventually met in 2005 through mutual friends at a party after our hometown’s annual street fair. We were friends for a few months after that, but have been attached ever since.
When did you know he was the one? After our less-than-romantic first Valentine’s Day. That was the first day of spring semester for me and I had a night class that I could not miss, so we weren’t able to go out on a date. I went to his house after class, but instead of snuggling and being cute, I came down with food poisoning and proceeded to throw up on his bedroom floor. Rather than being grossed out, his only concern was how I was feeling. He even helped me clean up the mess!
What is one of your favorite things to do together? We love going to baseball and football games together. I’ve been watching football my whole life, but James took me to my first 49ers game last year! We also love cooking together. I am The Chef and he is The Grillmaster.
What is something new you learned about your husband after you were married? He is even sillier than I thought! We have pretty much always been very comfortable and goofy around each other, but I think he lets even more of it show now that he knows I’m stuck with him forever. We laugh even harder together these days.
What do you do to stay connected during everyday stresses of life? We e-mail each other throughout the day just to see how things are going. It gives us a chance to vent and share random thoughts and also brightens our moods a little bit. We like to eat dinner at the table a few times/week so that we talk instead of watching TV. We also try to stay in on Friday or Saturday night and go out, either together or apart, the other night.
What is your best piece of marriage advice? Just enjoy each other as much as you can! Marriage is a partnership, not a punishment. It’s not a “ball and chain”. There’s not always time in our busy schedules for spontaneity, but it’s important to mix things up now and then. Also, not everything has to be done together. It’s really important to maintain relationships with your separate families and friends as individuals, not just a couple.
What is your favorite quirk about your husband? When he wakes up in the morning, he stretches his arms out really wide and growls like a polar bear! I think it’s adorable.
What is something special you do just for your husband? Spend a whole day with him and not wear any makeup. He loves my blonde eyelashes and the freckles on my nose and cheeks.
Tell us something about yourself. I currently work in loss prevention for a large bank, but will be going back to school this Fall to continue my education and be an elementary school teacher. I love to cook, bake, sew, scrapbook and plan parties. Martha Stewart has been my idol for as long as I can remember!
I am running out of couples so please If you are interested in being a Meet the Newlyweds featured couple, leave a comment and/or send me a message and I will get in touch with you.

Holy cow! Thats a heck of a first valentines day! Yikes!
And awwww they were married on the day I had my son!
What do you consider newlywed? We have been married almost two years…I think thats still newlywed but I dont know if anyone else does! Haha
Thank you so much for featuring us, Jenna! I saved my post with the date that I originally wrote it, but updated it with today’s date – oops 🙂