My little Bucket head!
Perfectly happy with his blue bonnet bucket hat, rubber boots with jeans tucked in and his lawn mower!
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or in this case What Works for Me Wednesday

How cute! I love the boots, and the hat rocks too!
He’s ready for the day now!
kids get a kick out of the littlest things. Kaye—the road goes ever ever on
How funny!
I just hope there wasn’t anything IN the bucket (as in, he didn’t steal a half-full blue bonnet container off your kitchen table…). Eww! What a mess!
I’m pretty sure he couldn’t be cuter if he tried.
Love the new look..well, it’s new to me, I haven’t been around in a while:)
That is so stinkin’ cute.
He looks fantastic! My oldest used to love to dress up with bowls and such, so fun!
It must be a family trait. I have pictures of Kay running around with a “bucket” on her head but she is pushing her toy shopping cart. Too cute!