Miss Maisie went broody 3 times last year, but I never let her raise a single chick. I would normally stick some eggs under her and let her do her thing, but since I was “incubating” babies, I decided it was best not to have more little things to take care of. So she had a little break.
If you remember, Big Mama was my official broody whisperer, but, since she is gone, Maisie has taken over the duty graciously.
So Maisie went broody and the big boys and I really were itching to hatch. So we went big. We set 40 eggs in the incubator and put another 12 under her.
We hatched eggs from our own flock of Olive Eggers, we have 4th generation OE’s hatching. I am really excited to see what comes from these eggs. I love having my own breeding project in my back yard. I breed mostly for the color of the egg, but lately have been selecting for feather color and fluff, as the egg color is really great. With this batch I am hoping to get a new rooster and some more pretty pullets.
So far we’ve hatched about 28 chicks, and got some really neat colors that I haven’t hatched before.
They like to hide and tuck underneath Maisie’s fluff, it’s amazing that they can all fit.
Maisie will raise them for about 4-5 weeks until she thinks they are fit to fend for themselves and she will return to the flock and resume laying eggs.
I am hoping to sell most of the chicks, much to the dismay of the big boys, as they want to keep them all.
Anyone want some chicks?

Maisie is so pretty! And look at all those gorgeous chicks, too. I can’t wait to hatch out another batch of your eggs, Jenna….I think this makes order number 6. Best Olive Eggers around. 🙂
P.S. I bet the boys are in chick heaven!
That’s awesome! So many little chicks:)